Powerful & Proven
Elite Influencer Resources

Christian Simpson is a world-class teacher, mentor and Coach. He’s unquestionably an emerging giant in the world of leadership and personal development.

Christian Simpson Image
ken sharrar
Development Executive, Influence Consultant

The Elite Influencer Coaching Accreditation™


If you’re ready for a deeply rewarding career running your own business as a highly sought after expert in transformation, with the ability and credentials to make a profound difference in the lives of others,  we should talk.

The Conscious Coaching Academy™ is the definitive centre of excellence for Elite Influencers in the Coaching profession.

Through our award-winning, industry leading accreditation, we not only create the very best this profession will ever produce – world class influencers who are taught, trained and mentored to the highest standards in the most transformational process known to mankind
– we help craft exceptional careers.

If what I’ve just described resonates deeply with your aspirations, and you are genuinely serious about enjoying a richly rewarding, fulfilling and lucrative career having a transformational impact on the lives of the audience and market you choose to serve…

… then schedule an Alignment Assessment with us, and let’s explore the fit between your aspirations and our industry-defining work at the Conscious Coaching Academy™.

Ready for an Exceptional Career as an Elite Influencer?

The Elite Influencer International Training Summit™


Join our team of Elite Influencers  at the Conscious Coaching Academy™ in a spectacular, career-defining, five-day immersion at the Elite Influencer International Training Summit™, where you’ll discover what it takes to become an expert in transformation in the Coaching profession.

Five days which will leave an indelible legacy on your business, career and life

Five days in a unique, immersive environment of exponential growth harnessing the ultimate skill for success in life.

Five days in an award-winning experience honing transformational ability of elite level influence to multiply your influence, impact and income

Five days immersed in the most powerful experience of your career with me, my faculty, our returning Elite Influencers, and a cohort of exceptional individuals traveling from all corners of the globe.

Five unforgettable days in the magnificent, opulent and historic surroundings of the Conscious Coaching Academy’s Elite Influencer Training HQ at Stanbrook Abbey – a former convent now 5-star country venue, nestling at the foot of the Malvern Hills in a designated area of outstanding natural
beauty in rural England.

Your reward will be a career-defining, life changing experience which you’ll leave an entirely different proposition to the world than when you arrived.This unique opportunity is strictly by invitation only, following an Alignment Assessment. Book and schedule yours via the button below.

Ready for an Exceptional Career as an Elite Influencer?

Christian Simpson Image

The Iconic Coach: Become an Expert in Transformation™ [Live, Online Training]


There’s More… Because Those Who Like to Reward Themselves Will Be Rewarded Magnificently

When you attend ALL 3 eye-opening sessions IN FULL over the 3 days you’ll get complimentary access to a host of leading-edge, powerful and proven resources, bringing you an outstanding advantage in your Coaching career not just as a Coach, but as a business owner, including:

Ready for an Exceptional Career as an Elite Influencer?

The 6 Fundamentals of Transformational Coaching™


Revealing the profoundly powerful methods behind the transformational impact of Elite Influencers, this series of videos reveals what separates the best in the Coaching profession from the rest.

The truth is, very few Coaches know how to influence at a transformative level Coaching is both an art and science in transformational influence.

At its core are SIX timeless fundamentals every powerful, transformative Coach must put into practice to deliver the kind of results their clients pay for.

Because the truth is… to rise to the top of this profession, and be masterful in your influencing ability, you must fully embrace
“The 6 Fundamentals of Transformational Coaching™”


Because the 6 Fundamentals are fundamentals for a reason: they’re the crux of what distinguishes Elite Influencers from the rest.

They’re more than the bedrock of truly transformational influence and impact…

… they’re the essence and primary principles by which it happens,

Is there more to what distinguishes Elite Influencers in the Coaching industry from 98.7% of Coaching practitioners than just The 6 Fundamentals of Transformational Coaching™?

Of course there is.

However, if you do nothing else but put these powerful methods to work, you’ll soon be recognised as a highly influential individual capable of impacting lives at a level few Coaches ever manage.

And the best news of all?

I’ve brought these methods all together in one carefully structured and easy to follow methodology.

Christian Simpson Image

9 Deadly Sins of a
New Coach™


Want to all but guarantee your success when you enter the Coaching profession?Want to avoid paying the ultimate price for the costly errors, proven pitfalls, and fatal mistakes made by the vast majority of Coaches?

Then take his priceless opportunity to draw from three decades of experience in the Coaching industry.

In just under 50 minutes of pure gold, I share everything I wish I’d known when I started out all those years ago… lessons I’ve paid an eye-watering price at times to bring to you.

I’’ve made every mistake in the book – and I’ve been every version of Coach you can imagine

I’ve been:

You can’t put a price on leveraging the experience of those who’ve gone before you… and that;s why I created the 9 Deadly Sins in the first place… to give you an “unfair advantage” so you don’t have to pay the price for the lessons at hand.

As Warren Buffet said
“It’s good to learn from your mistakes. It’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes”.

9 Deadly Sins of a
Typical Coach™


For the established Coach, the same principle applies: the smartest strategy of all is to leverage the experience of those who’ve gone before you.

So what do the masters of transformation – the Elite Influencers of the Coaching profession –  do to earn their sage-like, go-to authority and expert status in the eyes, minds, hearts and wallets of the market
they serve?

And what are the major pitfalls they avoid to make it happen?

Once again, extracted from three decades of experience, it’s all revealed in just under 50 minutes of pure gold in this powerful
video Masterclass.

Not only that, it comes with a Success Implementation Guide™ packed with eye–opening insight, diagnostics  and Coaching techniques to ensure you put this proven framework for success and avoiding the costly and fatal mistakes keeping the vast majority of Coaches in struggle and mediocrity.

Christian Simpson Image

7 Levels of Influence,
Impact & Income™


A Step-by-Step Roadmap To Climbing The Influence, Impact &
Income Pyramid

Those results of yours? They have ancestry. They’re effects of a
specific cause.

But here’s the thing: I can all but guarantee you don’t know the ultimate cause of those effects, because very few people do.

And guess what?

If you don’t know the ultimate cause of your results, any attempt to make tangible and substantial transformation STICK in any aspect of your life – including your business and career – becomes a matter of hope and/or guesswork.

Not a smart strategy by which to live by any stretch of the imagination – but we all do it – unless we’re led to a far higher level of understanding.

Which is precisely what The 7 Levels of Impact & Income™ will
bring you.

Yes, your life, your business, and your career will never outgrow the quality of thinking you’re bringing to them, but it’s what determines your quality of thinking that matters.

This eye-opening Masterclass graphically illustrates and unpacks the impact and income socio-economic pyramid of the Coaching industry – and society at large.

Truly essential viewing, and nothing short of transformational for the Coach destined for the rarified air of Elite Influencer status.

Why Coaching is Fundamental in Challenging Times™


Coaching is the business of change. It’s one of the most challenging relationships and conversations your clients will ever have.
Consequently, your clients consistently face worry, fear and anxiety as they let go of their established norms and courageously embrace the unknowns of the life they want to live.

Your ability to lead them through these uncharted waters is crucial to their success – and relies heavily on two vital components:

1: How well you manage fear in the face of challenging times in
your own life

2: Your understanding of why Coaching is so fundamental in
challenging times.

And that’s why this ultra-rare live Global Broadcast recorded at the beginning of what became the Covid-19 pandemic is a priceless insight into why the service you provide is fundamental to the mental health and well being of your clients

Broadcast to a community of 35,000+ people studying the Simpson Method of Transformational Coaching™ this raw, authentic teaching will take your understanding of the importance and power of Coaching to levels most practitioners will never know.

Christian Simpson Image

Build the business to drive your legacy

The 4 Pillars of Mastery™

Your Entrepreneurial Ability

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut hendrerit metus in dui aliquet suscipit. Mauris venenatis euismod ex, id auctor augue hendrerit a. Duis a ante elit. Vivamus eu neque vel urna aliquet fermentum nec vel ante.

Mauris ac semper metus, at lobortis augue. Mauris efficitur ac elit et tincidunt. Proin ligula eros, fermentum vitae mollis non, sodales volutpat lectus. Aliquam vel justo mauris.

Aliquam tincidunt velit et iaculis commodo. Donec est velit, semper a facilisis et, mattis non diam. Curabitur eget finibus massa, vitae porta augue. Pellentesque eget facilisis justo. Aliquam maximus eget libero at volutpat. Duis orci massa, pellentesque sed placerat eget, dictum ut justo. Praesent nisl leo, feugiat vitae consectetur ut, pulvinar id lectus. Proin sit amet lacinia risus, et finibus orci.

7-Figure Blueprint™

Your Entrepreneurial Ability

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut hendrerit metus in dui aliquet suscipit. Mauris venenatis euismod ex, id auctor augue hendrerit a. Duis a ante elit. Vivamus eu neque vel urna aliquet fermentum nec vel ante.

Mauris ac semper metus, at lobortis augue. Mauris efficitur ac elit et tincidunt. Proin ligula eros, fermentum vitae mollis non, sodales volutpat lectus. Aliquam vel justo mauris.

Aliquam tincidunt velit et iaculis commodo. Donec est velit, semper a facilisis et, mattis non diam. Curabitur eget finibus massa, vitae porta augue. Pellentesque eget facilisis justo. Aliquam maximus eget libero at volutpat. Duis orci massa, pellentesque sed placerat eget, dictum ut justo. Praesent nisl leo, feugiat vitae consectetur ut, pulvinar id lectus. Proin sit amet lacinia risus, et finibus orci.

Christian Simpson Image

7-Figure Profit Secrets™

Your Entrepreneurial Ability

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut hendrerit metus in dui aliquet suscipit. Mauris venenatis euismod ex, id auctor augue hendrerit a. Duis a ante elit. Vivamus eu neque vel urna aliquet fermentum nec vel ante.

Mauris ac semper metus, at lobortis augue. Mauris efficitur ac elit et tincidunt. Proin ligula eros, fermentum vitae mollis non, sodales volutpat lectus. Aliquam vel justo mauris.

Aliquam tincidunt velit et iaculis commodo. Donec est velit, semper a facilisis et, mattis non diam. Curabitur eget finibus massa, vitae porta augue. Pellentesque eget facilisis justo. Aliquam maximus eget libero at volutpat. Duis orci massa, pellentesque sed placerat eget, dictum ut justo. Praesent nisl leo, feugiat vitae consectetur ut, pulvinar id lectus. Proin sit amet lacinia risus, et finibus orci.

Entrepreneurial Mastery Inner Circle™ [Live Experience]

Your Entrepreneurial Ability

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut hendrerit metus in dui aliquet suscipit. Mauris venenatis euismod ex, id auctor augue hendrerit a. Duis a ante elit. Vivamus eu neque vel urna aliquet fermentum nec vel ante.

Mauris ac semper metus, at lobortis augue. Mauris efficitur ac elit et tincidunt. Proin ligula eros, fermentum vitae mollis non, sodales volutpat lectus. Aliquam vel justo mauris.

Aliquam tincidunt velit et iaculis commodo. Donec est velit, semper a facilisis et, mattis non diam. Curabitur eget finibus massa, vitae porta augue. Pellentesque eget facilisis justo. Aliquam maximus eget libero at volutpat. Duis orci massa, pellentesque sed placerat eget, dictum ut justo. Praesent nisl leo, feugiat vitae consectetur ut, pulvinar id lectus. Proin sit amet lacinia risus, et finibus orci.

Christian Simpson Image

The Elite Mastermind™
[Live Experience]

Your Personal Growth & Entrepreneurial Ability

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut hendrerit metus in dui aliquet suscipit. Mauris venenatis euismod ex, id auctor augue hendrerit a. Duis a ante elit. Vivamus eu neque vel urna aliquet fermentum nec vel ante.

Mauris ac semper metus, at lobortis augue. Mauris efficitur ac elit et tincidunt. Proin ligula eros, fermentum vitae mollis non, sodales volutpat lectus. Aliquam vel justo mauris.

Aliquam tincidunt velit et iaculis commodo. Donec est velit, semper a facilisis et, mattis non diam. Curabitur eget finibus massa, vitae porta augue. Pellentesque eget facilisis justo. Aliquam maximus eget libero at volutpat. Duis orci massa, pellentesque sed placerat eget, dictum ut justo. Praesent nisl leo, feugiat vitae consectetur ut, pulvinar id lectus. Proin sit amet lacinia risus, et finibus orci.

Your reputation as an authentic, go-to authority

The 7 Steps to Success™

Your Personal Growth

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut hendrerit metus in dui aliquet suscipit. Mauris venenatis euismod ex, id auctor augue hendrerit a. Duis a ante elit. Vivamus eu neque vel urna aliquet fermentum nec vel ante.

Mauris ac semper metus, at lobortis augue. Mauris efficitur ac elit et tincidunt. Proin ligula eros, fermentum vitae mollis non, sodales volutpat lectus. Aliquam vel justo mauris.

Aliquam tincidunt velit et iaculis commodo. Donec est velit, semper a facilisis et, mattis non diam. Curabitur eget finibus massa, vitae porta augue. Pellentesque eget facilisis justo. Aliquam maximus eget libero at volutpat. Duis orci massa, pellentesque sed placerat eget, dictum ut justo. Praesent nisl leo, feugiat vitae consectetur ut, pulvinar id lectus. Proin sit amet lacinia risus, et finibus orci.

Christian Simpson Image

Limitless™ - The Ultimate Personal Success Masterplan

Your Personal Growth

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut hendrerit metus in dui aliquet suscipit. Mauris venenatis euismod ex, id auctor augue hendrerit a. Duis a ante elit. Vivamus eu neque vel urna aliquet fermentum nec vel ante.

Mauris ac semper metus, at lobortis augue. Mauris efficitur ac elit et tincidunt. Proin ligula eros, fermentum vitae mollis non, sodales volutpat lectus. Aliquam vel justo mauris.

Aliquam tincidunt velit et iaculis commodo. Donec est velit, semper a facilisis et, mattis non diam. Curabitur eget finibus massa, vitae porta augue. Pellentesque eget facilisis justo. Aliquam maximus eget libero at volutpat. Duis orci massa, pellentesque sed placerat eget, dictum ut justo. Praesent nisl leo, feugiat vitae consectetur ut, pulvinar id lectus. Proin sit amet lacinia risus, et finibus orci.

One to One Transformational Coaching™

Your Personal Growth & Entrepreneurial Ability

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut hendrerit metus in dui aliquet suscipit. Mauris venenatis euismod ex, id auctor augue hendrerit a. Duis a ante elit. Vivamus eu neque vel urna aliquet fermentum nec vel ante.

Mauris ac semper metus, at lobortis augue. Mauris efficitur ac elit et tincidunt. Proin ligula eros, fermentum vitae mollis non, sodales volutpat lectus. Aliquam vel justo mauris.

Aliquam tincidunt velit et iaculis commodo. Donec est velit, semper a facilisis et, mattis non diam. Curabitur eget finibus massa, vitae porta augue. Pellentesque eget facilisis justo. Aliquam maximus eget libero at volutpat. Duis orci massa, pellentesque sed placerat eget, dictum ut justo. Praesent nisl leo, feugiat vitae consectetur ut, pulvinar id lectus. Proin sit amet lacinia risus, et finibus orci.

Christian Simpson Image

Your reputation as an authentic, go-to authority

The Iconic Coach: Become an Expert in Transformation™

Live Experiences

If you’re ready for a deeply rewarding career running your own business as a highly sought after expert in transformation, with the ability and credentials to make a profound difference in the lives of others,  we should talk.

The Conscious Coaching Academy™ is the definitive centre of excellence for Elite Influencers in the Coaching profession.

Through our award-winning, industry leading accreditation, we not only create the very best this profession will ever produce – world class influencers who are taught, trained and mentored to the highest standards in the most transformational process known to mankind
– we help craft exceptional careers.

If what I’ve just described resonates deeply with your aspirations, and you are genuinely serious about enjoying a richly rewarding, fulfilling and lucrative career having a transformational impact on the lives of the audience and market you choose to serve…

… then schedule an Alignment Assessment with us, and let’s explore the fit between your aspirations and our industry-defining work at the Conscious Coaching Academy™.

Ready for an Exceptional Career as an Elite Influencer?

Entrepreneurial Elite Think Tank™

Your Personal Growth & Entrepreneurial Ability

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut hendrerit metus in dui aliquet suscipit. Mauris venenatis euismod ex, id auctor augue hendrerit a. Duis a ante elit. Vivamus eu neque vel urna aliquet fermentum nec vel ante.

Mauris ac semper metus, at lobortis augue. Mauris efficitur ac elit et tincidunt. Proin ligula eros, fermentum vitae mollis non, sodales volutpat lectus. Aliquam vel justo mauris.

Aliquam tincidunt velit et iaculis commodo. Donec est velit, semper a facilisis et, mattis non diam. Curabitur eget finibus massa, vitae porta augue. Pellentesque eget facilisis justo. Aliquam maximus eget libero at volutpat. Duis orci massa, pellentesque sed placerat eget, dictum ut justo. Praesent nisl leo, feugiat vitae consectetur ut, pulvinar id lectus. Proin sit amet lacinia risus, et finibus orci.

Christian Simpson Image

Limitless LIVE! - The Ultimate Personal Success Seminar Experience

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut hendrerit metus in dui aliquet suscipit. Mauris venenatis euismod ex, id auctor augue hendrerit a. Duis a ante elit. Vivamus eu neque vel urna aliquet fermentum nec vel ante.

Mauris ac semper metus, at lobortis augue. Mauris efficitur ac elit et tincidunt. Proin ligula eros, fermentum vitae mollis non, sodales volutpat lectus. Aliquam vel justo mauris.

Aliquam tincidunt velit et iaculis commodo. Donec est velit, semper a facilisis et, mattis non diam. Curabitur eget finibus massa, vitae porta augue. Pellentesque eget facilisis justo. Aliquam maximus eget libero at volutpat. Duis orci massa, pellentesque sed placerat eget, dictum ut justo. Praesent nisl leo, feugiat vitae consectetur ut, pulvinar id lectus. Proin sit amet lacinia risus, et finibus orci.

Elite Influencer, Elite Impact™


- The Ultimate Personal Success Masterplan

Entrepreneurial Elite Think Tank™

Limitless LIVE!

- The Ultimate Personal Success Seminar Experience